ESG Management System

T&L Co., Ltd. has established an ESG management system based on Environment (E), Society (S), and Governance (G).
We set eco-friendly management, fulfillment of social responsibility, and transparent and sound management as key areas.
We are implementing ESG management.

Eco-friendly Management

Eco-friendly Management

Eco-friendly Product /
Technology Development
Resource Circulation
Reduce Carbon Emissions
Fulfillment of Social Responsibility

Fulfillment of Social Responsibility

Expansion of Social
Contribution Activities
Safety and Health
Promotion of
Employee Rights and Welfare
Transparent and Sound Management

Transparent and Sound Management

Increased Corporate
Practice Ethical Management
Establishment of
Compliance Management

T&L Co., Ltd. strives for sustainable management by supporting customers, executives, employees, investors, and partners. Providing new value to all stakeholders, including the media and government agencies, we want to create a better future for humanity.

To this end, we are developing eco-friendly products and technologies for future generations.
We will take the lead in resource circulation and carbon emissions reduction and faithfully implement eco-friendly management.
We will also respect human rights and fulfill social responsibilities based on international standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UNGPs, UNGC 10 Principles, International Labor Organization (ILO) core conventions, and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In addition, we operate a transparent and fair company and enhance the diversity and expertise of the board of directors.
By creating a healthy corporate governance structure that prioritizes social values, shareholders, local communities, and members, we will transparently inform all stakeholders of our ESG activities and performance.

T&L Co., Ltd. is a trusted sustainable company with eco-friendly management, social responsibility, and transparent and sound management activities.
We will actively practice ESG management.

2024 Certificate of excellent ESG